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A few breaking news in two dimensions (March update)
Research on graphene and the related materials has shown several impressive studies over the last months. From the first transmission of the name “IBM” being received by a radio chip made of graphene, to the puzzling observation of exceptional ballistic transport in epitaxial graphene, there seems to be plenty of exciting news in this area. As a way to update on the literature, here we provide links to a few of the most remarkable studies.
- “One-Dimensional Electrical Contact to a Two-Dimensional Material”
L. Wang et al. Science 342, 614 (Nov. 2013). - “Tunable symmetry breaking and helical edge transport in a graphene quantum spin Hall state” A. F. Young et al. Nature 505, 528 (Dec. 2013). See also the press release at MIT news.
- “Observation of Floquet-Bloch States on the Surface of a Topological Insulator” Y. H. Wang et al. Science 342, 6157 (Nov 2013). See also the associated press release Persuading light to mix up with matter. Chapter 6 of our book also deals with issues related to this study.
- “Graphene radio frequency receiver integrated circuit” Han et al. Nature Communications 5, 3086 (Jan 2014). See also “First graphene radio broadcast is a wireless wonder”
- “Exceptional ballistic transport in epitaxial graphene nanoribbons” J. Baringhaus et al. Nature 506, 349 (Feb 2014). See also the news article “Graphene conducts electricity ten times better than expected”
- “A bulk mimic of graphene” Nature 506, 269 (Feb 2014)